Life lessons

Most of us take our life on this planet for granted. When something drastic happens, it forces us to re-evaluate the reason we are here and why we do what we do. Calamities, illness and death are the greatest teachers and awakeners. They shake us up and take us out of our comfort zone and illusion of separation. Our struggles and hardships give us opportunities to grow and realize that life is a temporary gift for us to cherish, and be grateful for. Unfortunately, because we are slow in learning this lesson, existence throws more challenges our way to help us wake up and re-evaluate the way we live our life. The ups and downs of life teach us that anything can happen at any moment, so we can’t take things, people, our health, or life for granted. We must remember that our life here is an opportunity to learn, discover our gifts and talents, and contribute what we can to make this planet a better place for everyone.

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